ni yg original punye nerd test......hehe...
aku dpt nih....
hahahhahahaha.......nerd nye diriku.....
ni test yg dh di'advanced' kn sket.....kihkihkih....
& i've got this.....
uber cool nerd....
die ckp Carry it proudly! oohhh......bangge nye saye......hikhikhik....
ni plak test utk tgk thp ke'stupid'an org........huhuhu.....
& aku dpt....................(berdebar nih........haha....)
Your Score Summary
Overall, you scored as follows:
47% scored higher (more stupid),
4% scored the same, and
49% scored lower (less stupid).
You are 49% stupid. This means...
You are, on average, smart and stupid. Read a few more books and decrease your score!
mmmmm......tatau nk cakap pe......
peace yo!
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