Dec 19, 2008

.: nerd ? :. or .:stupid ? :. which 1 do u prefer? haha...

saje nk mengisi ms luas a.k.a lapang ini......hahahahaha.......

ni yg original punye nerd test......hehe...
aku dpt nih....

I am nerdier than 54% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

hahahhahahaha.......nerd nye diriku.....

ni test yg dh di'advanced' kn sket.....kihkihkih....
& i've got this..... says I'm an Uber Cool Nerd.  What are you?  Click here!

uber cool nerd....
die ckp Carry it proudly! oohhh......bangge nye saye......hikhikhik....

ni plak test utk tgk thp ke'stupid'an org........huhuhu.....
& aku dpt....................(berdebar nih........haha....) says I'm 49% Stupid! How stupid are you? Click Here!

Your Score Summary

Overall, you scored as follows:

47% scored higher (more stupid),
4% scored the same, and
49% scored lower (less stupid).

You are 49% stupid. This means...

You are, on average, smart and stupid. Read a few more books and decrease your score!

mmmmm......tatau nk cakap pe......

peace yo!


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